Feels so sad seeing less and less people embracing vulnerability.
For me vulnerability is about connection. We need to listen to each other and accept our differences. Doesn’t mean you have to distort facts about yourself to impress. When people get impressed by something you reveal about yourself, it is 99% due to the fact that this thing is real and that you’re being authentic. This is independent of whether what you’re revealing is positive or negative. So in this context you’d better come off revealing something negative & real than something positive & fake. Beware that all affirmations gained in the process of avoiding vulnerability are false positives. They are time bombs.
For me, I try to use vulnerability as a tool to understand & connect with people. If there’s something about me that can make me vulnerable, I’d normally do one of two things:
1. Avoid talking about it altogether.
2. Be open & real in front of those who matter. They’d sure understand what does it mean to embrace vulnerability.
After all we’re human beings, and always trying to paint a perfect portrait about yourself will come off as shady and make people feel uncomfortable. This is how we humans are programmed to think. So it’s better if we can make use of such a powerful tool of connection and embrace reality.
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