Lately I’ve been reading about spirituality a lot because I believe it’s one of my areas of weakness. I came into the idea of “The Stream of Wellbeing” and it is already introducing big shifts into the way I think about things I want.
It states that there’s always a stream of wellbeing that is flowing before you at all times. This stream includes everything you might be, do, or have. And whether you get it is just a matter of you aligning yourself with the stream. There is no more than one stream flowing, and everything you do or think about produces a vibrational frequency that either aligns or misaligns with this stream of abundance.
The idea is based on “The Law of Attraction”, where you attract what you manifest, what you think about & what you pay attention to. In Islam, it’s very similar to the idea of Dua’a. When you pray for something everyday, it’s not just about you saying the words, it’s about you manifesting your desire everyday, and by way of aligning your frequencies with your desires, you get what you want. Every time you “pay attention” to your desires, their vibrational frequencies become stronger, and their alignment with the stream becomes easier. Every time you shift your attention away, their vibrational frequencies become weaker & less effective. That’s how everything in life works.
Law of Attraction states:
That which is like unto itself is drawn.
It means: Every thought vibrates, radiates a signal & attracts a matching signal back.
The idea of “Morning Affirmations” that is being discussed in books & seminars is just another extension to “The Law of Attraction”. Everyday you say to yourself “I am achieving/being/getting something” is another day you’re moving your being towards it, and if you stay at it long enough, there’s no other way than your desire becoming real.
My mindset shift
Lately I believe that in order to achieve the max state of your wellbeing and/or potential, you just make yourself align with the opportunity -of being better-. There’s no perfect, there are just chances & there is an infinite number of them (a stream), you don’t necessarily have to brute-force your way through all of them (i.e try every option) in order to trust your decision. You just align yourself with the stream and let things happen.
The brute-force model is dumb. See that’s different from what I used to believe in, because I was always thinking it’s just about your worldview, you enhance it, and then through enough trial-and-error, you would’ve been through enough to make a decision. Well this model is nuts.
The new model suggests that you don’t have to keep an exhaustive list of things you want to have/be/do. You just have to place yourself in a position of receiving & then let it flow. That’s alignment: adjusting your time-space-reality.
Let go
I would say the whole point of learning to do proper meditation is just learning how to let go. We tend to cling, talk & think. Lots of times when we force interference with our thoughts, we make things worse. And indeed this explains why all your bad thoughts fall back to you. If you learned to let go, you have more power over your thoughts and they can stop compounding. And let me stress over the unfortunate fact that this is not easy, in any way.
Meditation as a practice is driving 2 types of consensus, one where people can’t see what’s the point behind it, and one where people agree it’s an answer to every single question that exists. As I’m transitioning from consensus 1 to consensus 2, things are starting to get more interesting, life is starting to zoom out and I’m starting to unlock different perspectives I didn’t ever think of before. It’s unexplainable in the sense that I still don’t know what it can hold, and I just started to investigate it as a novice. (ref)
But to put it short: all hate comes from the mind, when it compounds it can get unstoppable and is then channeled to your soul -which is supposedly pure by default-, at this point you start committing actions that otherwise (in a different state/different degree of control over your mind) you wouldn’t approve of. Thinking that this only falls back to the severity of your original thoughts makes it critical to pay attention to them. Now what meditation does is help you pass them through so that they can’t get any bigger, and this, in simple terms, is letting go.
Few months ago I was talking to this Yoga master/guru/(don’t know what to name it) and at the back of my head I started to think of how these people have the zen that makes you think “they must have this all figured out” every time they take a pause while talking. It’s one of these moments when you think: “Well I want to be like that ASAP”. She explained to me the basics and it somehow explained why she looks 10 years younger than her real age.
I spent lots of time paying close attention to what I eat and learning about aging in the process, and then all of a sudden this year I came to the conclusion that thoughts can make you age faster than food (ref 1, ref 2). It’s another sort of diet but we always have this blind trust in our biology and we can’t believe what we can’t see or feel. For a bad nutrition diet you can feel some stomach discomfort, mood alteration, physical pain or bad sleeping quality; at least you can explain it, x led to y. For a bad information diet, you can’t explain it, in most cases we can’t trace that one piece of thought that led to us feeling down all day, because of the fact that we on average have 6k of them PER DAY, which is exactly why it’s not easy.
Because thoughts are things that we can’t hold by default, they can’t get quantified and they have no beginnings or endings. The whole reason “letting go” is a thing is that it moves limits that are in theory non-existent. It gives you back the control you need. They say “sky is the limit”, but if you think about, your mind is really the limit.
The more you’re connected, the less you can express it
Delving into meditation & the connectedness of things helped me realize there’s a difference between religion & spirituality, one of them is far bigger & more meaningful than the other, that’s spirituality. It’s so complicated that I’m still struggling to develop a mental model out of it: the start, the end & the bridge. I read & think about this hoping that I’ll be able to develop a model during the next 4-5 years that can help me for the rest of my life. But right now I can’t explain it even to myself.
I wrote this somewhere in my notes, back in August 2021.
“Decades ago, while searching for plausible answers to my never-ending quest to know what “It” is all about, I discovered the word ineffable (meaning “incapable of being expressed in words”). Ineffable coincided with a conclusion I’d formed relative to It. I had decided that the closer we get to knowing the “non-physical”, the fewer words we have for clearly expressing It. And so, any state of complete knowing would also, therefore, be a state of ineffability.”
I came across this in the preface of “Ask & It’s Given” on October 31st. It tackled exactly the same point I was thinking about and it feels relieving to find out that what I was experiencing was normal and that the most “expressive” term of it is “Ineffability”.
Rolling with the concept of connectedness is basically unlocking a new dimension, once it’s there, it’s impossible to unsee it, in everything. I say it’s a dimension in the sense that it’s real & present and irreversible in the sense that you can’t remove a dimension, you already walked through it so you know it’s there. And I believe it’s called connectedness not connection because it’s more than a connection or even a series of connections.
You create your own world: Your attention is the invitation
With your practiced attention to any subject, your thoughts expand and become a bigger part of your vibrational mix. And whether it’s a thought of something you want or something you don’t want, your attention to it invites it to your experience. In other words, you get what you think about whether you want it or not. Because the more you think about it, the more you vibrate like it; the more you vibrate like it, the more of that which is like it is attracted to you.
“Since this is an attraction-based Universe, there is no such thing as exclusion. Everything is about inclusion. So, when you see something that you would like to experience and you focus upon it, you include it in your experience. And when you see something that you would not want to experience, and you focus upon it, you also include that in your experience. You do not invite it in with your yes and exclude it with your no, because your attention is the invitation.” - Snippet from “Ask & It’s Given”
Whatever you are thinking about is like planning a future event. When you are appreciating, you are planning. When you are worrying, you are planning, but worrying is using your imagination to create something you do not want.
When you understand the Law of Attraction, you are never surprised by what occurs in your experience, for you understand that you have invited every bit of it in —through your own thought process. Nothing can occur in your life experience without your invitation of it through your thought & the energy you’re focusing.
This energy that you are focusing is the same energy that creates worlds. And it is, quite literally, creating your world. Immediately, your present and future circumstances begin to change in response to the signals you are sending now. And all that has ever been before is culminating into that which you now are. In fact, it would not be possible to retrace all the desires, conclusions, and perspectives that have resulted in your unique point of view right here and now. That’s the beauty of it.
Your ability to feel your worthiness will undoubtedly depend on what is happening in your life right now. Under some conditions you feel utterly blessed, and under others you feel not so blessed. Now what you should understand is that to the degree you feel blessed and expect good things to flow to you, this indicates the level of your state of allowing, and the degree that you do not feel blessed indicates your level of resistance. This quite explains the “Gratitude” practice many people recommend you do everyday. It’s, again, not about saying the words, it’s about focusing the energy.
This concept doesn’t just put emphasis on all the thoughts you should pay attention to, but also all the thoughts you should let go.
You just gotta chill
A major takeaway for me after learning about the stream of wellbeing is: I gotta chill. What is supposed to be, will be, as long as I’m putting in the work, i.e paying enough attention.
Another interesting aspect to it is that you can actually be more effective at anything when you’re chill. You sure have experienced this in some way. Think about it as if you’re just interfering enough to adjust your frequencies towards your desires, but then be flexible enough to let them happen. Much like the radio, it can’t receive a signal it’s not adjusted to receive.
There are, however, a few common mistakes we do:
Many people have desires but then focus their attention on the absence of these desires, which is exactly why they don’t get them. That’s because the law of attraction states that every time you focus on a desire’s absence you’re shifting your attention away from it. You cannot stand in resistance of them and receive them at the same time. Don’t focus too much on when something is going to happen, or why it didn’t happen, just focus about paying enough attention over a reasonable period of time.
Many people have more desires than their beings can handle. If you want to manifest many desires at once, in order for this to work you should be paying attention to each one of them everyday. After a certain threshold, this becomes non-feasible due to the natural limitations we have on our attention budget & headspace. We’re humans after all and we can only focus our attention on too much at a time. So we better don’t scatter the chances of higher-priority desires because we want more. Alignment becomes easier when your head is clear & your desires are controlled. You may want many things out of life, but life has a way of responding when you know what you want quite well. And only by acknowledging this fact can you get more of what you want. (related)
So, as your experience causes you to launch vibrational rockets of desires, you must then find ways of holding yourself consistently in vibrational harmony with those desires in order to receive their manifestation. - Snippet from “Ask & It’s Given”
You can’t expect everyone to understand the magnitude of your desires nor that they’re supposed to. There’s never a crowd on the other end, so you’re not going to have a lot of people you can talk to about this. That’s normal.
You don’t want to be an observer. An observer doesn’t have his own thoughts or plans, they just observe what’s already vibrating, and accept -forcibly- what happens in their lives whether it’s good or bad. An observer is a passive summoner of desires. They are reactive more than they are proactive. Observers mostly thrive in good times but suffer in bad times. However, one who is visionary thrives at all times.
There is no source of “bad”, but there could be a resisting of that which you believe is “good”, just as there is no source of sickness, but there could be a resisting of your natural wellbeing (a very interesting example: link). There is only one stream of wellbeing that flows. You can allow it or resist it, but it flows just the same. It flows even if you do not understand that it does. But when you consciously become aligned with it, your creative endeavors become so much more satisfying.
Even if you’re not ready for the day, it cannot always be night
They say the night is often more real. We become our real-selves at night. But many truths are harsh & if mornings can help just overcome these bitter moments with yourself, then I have no problem living a semi-real life for a period of time.
Night is about planning, thinking sane & confronting yourself. You immerse yourself into all the things you want to be, your future aspirations, your people & whatnot. But morning is about seeing the good, seeking beauty & feeling alive. And even if a bigger percentage of it is a lie, the smaller percentage can help you get by for a very long period of time.
I love nighttime, but for me, it is often harsh & unforgiving. If I’m not busy doing something, nights are seldom peaceful. They are filled with thinking & discomfort, because they hold lots of truths. While in the morning, even if I’m not doing something, I actually want more of morning time to not do something, and just appreciate, breathe & chill. Sometimes I believe that’s what we live for.
In the opening line of Kanye West’s “Praise God”, his mother says:
“Even if you’re not ready for the day, it cannot always be night”